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Does this capture all of my traffic?

Our technology will capture and reveal a percentage of your anonymous website visitors, which is why we only charge for those that we can successfully turn into an email address.  Some clients get up to 70% of their traffic captured and turned into an email address and full record, while others receive less.  The first 10,000 successful emails are covered in your monthly fee, and you only pay beyond that when we match a visitor to an email address.

Will sending emails to my website visitors endanger my sending reputation?

Because we not only capture the emails but also validate the list prior to sending it to you, you shouldn't have any issues.  However, much of the customer response will be determined by what content you put in front of them when retargeting, so every audience is different.  If you follow a few best practices, you're sending reputation should not be impacted.  In fact, it's yet to happen with any of our clients.

If you want to be more cautious to start (until you see what kind of metrics to expect in the way of open rates, click rates, unsubscribes and bounce rates), we suggest starting off with a secondary email provider account and track your metrics until you're comfortable.

Can you do the email retargeting for us?

Yes, we have 30+ years of experience in email marketing and can execute the email send, using our platform and sending reputation, to take all of the execution off of your plate.  Please contact us for pricing.

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Is this the same as IP targeting?

No, this technology is completely different and far superior, as it reveals the exact person that is engaging with your site, as opposed to a building, corporate entity or registered agent for a company.   A business will usually share a single IP address among most or all of its computers, meaning IP targeting only leaves you with the company name, but not the person who was at your website.  

How often do I get my list of emails?

We send you a list each week of your weekly web traffic (or if you prefer every other week or monthly, we can do that as well).  For those looking for daily email lists, we have the capability to do that, but extra fees would apply.  Just call or email us for details.

Can I see what pages each customer visits?

Yes, we can create a unique pixel for each page that you want to reveal your traffic for.  This allows you to create custom retargeting campaigns and only send specific offers to those that have visited specific pages (think abandoned cart, specific products or case studies).  Think about how relevant your retargeting messages can be when you segment your list to this level. 

What information is captured & revealed?

For our B2B clients we typically see full name, email address, full company profile, title amid many other data points.  For our B2C clients, we reveal full name, email address and site journey (when segmented).  

Can you integrate into my CRM?

It is possible, but several variables exist when considering this process, so we suggest setting up a brief call to discuss.  


Is it legal to catch and reveal my own website traffic?

Yes, it is 100% legal to capture your own traffic at a website you own.  Since the passage of CAN-SPAM, the United States has been an "opt-out" jurisdiction, meaning marketing emails can be sent to recipients unless and until they have opted out of receiving marketing emails from the sender (unsubscribe).
You've probably have already been doing similar types of non-opt in marketing, with things like direct mail lists, email purchased lists, industry lists, etc., which is all legal, as long as you follow CAN-SPAM guidelines, the main one being the ability for the recipient to opt-out.

Is this ethical/moral?


That's for you to decide, but most clients are surprised to realize that they're already doing this, just through other platforms and methods.  It's nothing more than retargeting - just via a platform that you didn't know you could access.

If you've ever used Google display ads, direct mail, email purchase lists, tradeshow lists or social media ads (or retargeting campaigns), you're reaching out to people who did not opt-in.  If it's not of interest, they just ignore the ad or they unsubscribe.

But if they've been to your website, they are already in the "intent phase" and are considering you, at this very moment, as an option to solve their problem or need.  Putting valuable content or offers in front of that audience isn't egregious.  In fact, NOT marketing back to people that are already checking you out would be more likely to be considered egregious (from a savvy marketing perspective).


And you are probably doing that using Facebook or Google Pixels already, right?  Why not add the more price-efficient "email method" to your retargeting efforts?

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